The Watoga State Park Foundation has available a Watoga memorial bench with plaque. The bench is durable and high quality. Also, it includes a memorial plaque and is made in the USA.
You can memorialize a loved one with a minimum donation of $500. Watoga will place the bench in a mutually agreed location on the Park’s 40 miles of hiking trails, scenic overlooks or historic sites.

The beautiful bench, made of 100% recycled plastic, should last many lifetimes. Besides that, this exciting opportunity to memorialize your loved ones will fund an important amenity for the Park.
To order a bench, go to the donation page and make your minimum $500 donation. To detail the memorial plaque, go to the contact page and include the details in you message.
For further information, contact Watoga State Park Foundation Treasurer Mac Gray at 304 653-4373
Most importantly, order your Watoga memorial bench with plaque now!